Saturday Nov 07, 2020
iACast 149 - iPhone 12 Pro First Impressions
Show Description
On this episode, Michael, Leslie and Jason talk about upgrading to the new iPhones, and the accessories they would like to purchase for them. Leslie has already received her iPhone 12 Pro, and gives some of her first impressions of it. They also talk about the speculation of the iPhone 12 series having a secret reverse wireless charging feature that Apple may implement via a software update. Also mentioned was the ability to set default mail and browser apps in iOS 14, along with the latest price increase from Netflix. Jason talks about T-Mobile's new streaming service called TVision. Next up is Apple One, allowing you to subscribe to Apple News+, Apple TV+, Apple Music, Apple Arcade and more. Finally, we discuss the Charlie Brown Peanut Holiday specials moving exclusively to Apple TV+.
Jason: iOS 14 Leslie: the iPhone 12 Pro Michael: Doom Patrol series
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